What is IncontiLase™?
IncontiLase™ is a patent-pending, non-invasive Er:YAG laser therapy for the treatment on mild and moderate shrinking and tightening of vaginal mucosa tissue and collagen-rich endopelvic fasia, and subsequently greater support to the bladder.

How Does IncontiLase™ work?
Non-ablative laser with proprietary “Smooth-mode” technology thermally affects the vaginal tissue, stimulating collagen remodeling and the synthesis of new collagen fibres in the region of the vestibule and urethral orifice, as well as in the area along the anterior vaginal wall.
The final result of collagen neogensis is the shrinking and tightening of vaginal mucosa tissue and collagen-rich endopelvic fascra and subsequently greater support to the bladder and the return of normal continence function.
Unique advantages of IntcontiLase™ for patients?
A major advantage of IntcontiLase™ is that the prcedure is incisionless and virtually painless, with no ablation, cutting, bleeding, or sutures. Recovery is extremely quick without need for the use of analgesics or antibiotics.
Usually two sessions are recommended to alleviate mild or even moderate stress urinary incontinence. No special pre-op preparation or post-op precautions are necessary. Patients can immediately return to their normal everyday activities.
Studies confirm that IncontiLase™ is an effective, safe and comfortable treatment option for symptom relief in patients with mild and moderate SUI.

Exceptional clinical results
Scientific results from clinical studies show excellent urinary incontinence:
- Almost 70% of patients are dry after 120 days.
- 120 days after IncontiLase™ treatment 94% of patients reported improvement and 68% of all patients claimed to be free of SUI symptoms
- Improvement of SUI in all measured parameters
- No adverse events noted in any of the studies