The big “Plus“ for your skin. Ellipse Sirius is a high tech system for Permanent hair removal. Practically pain-free laser hair removal, with documented long term results

Unwanted hair removal is mainly considered a cosmetic treatment but may very well be the result of medical conditions. Cultural norms and peer group pressure often require the removal of hair in certain regions. For women hair removal is often requested in the face, axillae (armpits), legs and bikini line where as for men hair removal on the chest and back is in higher demand.

The Ellipse treatment

Controlled pulses of light penetrate the epidermis and are absorbed by melanin in the hair contained in the follicle. Melanin converts the light energy into heat. This heat is transferred to the hair follicle, which is destroyed, making it unable to produce a new hair. Hair in the resting (telogen stage) are treated later. The treatment is only effective on growing hairs as these are still attached to the follicle. This technique is called “Selective Photothermolysis”.


With Ellipse system you get the fastest hair removal treatment on the market applicable for skin type I -VI. The visible light produced by Ellipse system is carefully controlled to ensure the correct pulse length, wavelengths and right amount of energy to destroy the follicle.

Ellipse Selective Waveband Technology hair removal treatment offers clinically-proven, safe and effective long-term removal of unwanted hair. Excellent hair clearance is obtained after only 4-6 treatments and clinical long term studies have proven that 77% hair is still away after 10 years.

How does Ellipse treatment work?

A thin layer of gel (similar to ultrasound gel) is applied to your skin before treatment, to ensure the maximum amount of light enters the skin. The Ellipse applicator is pressed against the skin and a carefully controlled pulse of visible light is released. Potentially harmful wavelengths and wavelengths that only heat up water in the skin are removed using patented Ellipse Dual Mode Filtering. The remaining light is absorbed by pigment (melanin) in your hair. Melanin converts the light into heat, which travels down the hair and heats the hair matrix, preventing future hair growth.

Ellipse uses short, safe bursts of intense pulsed light (called Selective Waveband Technology by Ellipse, but often referred to as a laser) to remove unwanted hair from all body sites in minutes. The results last for years.

Can all hairs be treated?

Because the treatment relies on absorption of light by melanin, there needs to be melanin in the hair. This means that light blonde, red, grey or white hairs do not respond, and the most efficient treatment is seen with dark hair. Ellipse is able to treat all colours of skin, and has pre-programmed settings for different hair thicknesses and skin colours to match your exact needs.

How long does an Ellipse treatment take?

A large number of hairs can be targeted in one flash of light. Treatment of the upper lip takes approximately 1 minute, whereas a back or both legs take 10-20 minutes.

How many Ellipse treatments do I need?

Every hair has a life cycle; it grows for a period of time, falls out, rests and then starts to grow again. Only hairs that are growing can be treated – so you need to repeat the treatment at intervals until all hair follicles have been treated while growing. The length and timing of the growth cycles are affected by numerous factors such as body site, hormone levels  and age. Clinical studies have shown that typically 3-6 treatments are needed, and the intervals between treatments are typically 1-3 months.

Do I need to take special precautions before and after treatment?

It is important not to pluck, tweeze, wax or use hair removal creams during the four weeks before treatment. This ensures that as many hair follicles as possible contain a hair which can be destroyed. It is also important to avoid tanning (sun, solarium or self-tanning products) before and during the treatment period. Otherwise your tanned skin will absorb the light instead of your hair. It is also recommended to use sunscreen (min. SPF 30) for four weeks following treatment.

Does the treatment hurt?

While tolerance of pain is very individual, no anaesthetics are required, and most people describe the sensation as practically pain-free, similar to that of a rubber band snapping onto the skin.

How can I be sure Ellipse is safe and effective?

Clinical trials documenting Ellipse safety and effectiveness were carried out by leading doctors prior to the release of the treatment, and these were published in respected medical journals.